Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My PlayGround » Binary Conversion » Binary to Text (ASCII) Conversion

post signatureSALAM=0101001101000001010011000100000101001101

Hahaha what happened? Haish tak ada apa-apa. Let's play someting wakaka

Apa khabar semua. Saya doakan kalian sentiasa berada di bawah rahmat dan lindungan-Nya


Apakah semua ini? Wakaka saya sengaja merapu dan merepek kerepek di malam yang panas berapi bak naga mengeluarkan api dari dalam mulutnya. Haih... memang merepek. wuhahaha

A special message for you... Wakaka. Enjoy!


 Bie: Pening 'bermanuskrip' auuu!!!


Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Salam ,

Apa khabar anda semua di luar sana? Saya doakan anda semua sentiasa berada di bawah rahmat dan lindungan-Nya.

Eh, tajuk entri itu apakah maknanya? wakakaka Tajuk itu osem kan? Sila angguk kepala macam burung belatuk tanpa henti wuhahahaha

Iphone Lima? Cantik, tertarik, solid, seksi dan sewaktu dengannya hihihi Jadi, tunggu apa lagi. Iphone Lima dikatakan cantik, menarik, saya rasa saya dan iphone lima, jauh kuali dari api kot hehehe

Bie: 5...nombor ganjil! mood:Saya tiada kerja selain merepek bermula daripada jam 5 petang tadi hehe


Monday, September 10, 2012


Salam semua,

Ketemu lagi kita pada hari ini. Alhamdulillah sudah hari Selasa, esok Rabu, lusa Khamis dan seterusnya tekalah sendiri hehe Eh, cup! entah ada lagi entahkan tidak saya pada esok hari. Jangankan esok hari, untuk dua jam lagi entah apa yang berlaku kepada saya semuanya misteri. Hanya Allah Maha Mengetahui.

Tajuk entri kat atas macam sedap dan lazat saja macam makan pisang goreng cicah sambal kicap, kan? Lama pula tidak makan pisang goreng huhu Apa itu APG? Sejenis penyakit atau sejenis makanan atau sejenis kereta atau apakah? Haha Kepada sesiapa yang biasa berbelog sana sini akan tahu makna APG itu.

APG itu maknanya Akulah Penulis Glamer haha gurau saja. Tidak ada maknanya. Apa Perlu Glamer?=APG wakaka. APG=Angel Pakai Gucci atau Angel Wears Gucci=AWG itu yang sebenarnya. Pelik sungguh! bagaimana ada yang bertanya saya ini orang yang sama ke dengan APG itu. Jawapan saya tet tet tet...BUKAN. Ya! jawapannya bukan. Saya ialah saya dan tidak ada kena mengena dengan APG, sekian terima kasih wakaka

Jika hendak dibandingkan saya dan APG memang jauh ikan panggang daripada pemanggang api keh keh keh Makna APG merujuk kepada diri saya hanyalah Akulah Pisang Goreng sedangkan APG yang itu Angel Pakai Gucci. Pengikut belog saya pun berapa kerat sangatlah jika hendak dibandingkan dengan si APG itu. Jadi, memang sah saya bukan APG seperti yang dipersoalkan oleh orang tersebut. Dalam hati saya senyum seorang diri auuuu!!! Macam-macam pula. Bagaimana boleh terlintas pertanyaan itu ya? Hahaha

kredit Hahaha

Bie:Entah kenapa tiba-tiba saja nak tulis entri ini haih!!! :D


Thursday, September 6, 2012


Salam to all,

Selamat berKOPI hehe apa yang baik tentang KOPI? Mari saya SHARE kan Jika berkenan dengan tajuk ini sila LIKE haha erk! nak LIKE kat mana ya? Entah, saya pun tak tahu keh keh keh


'Kopi pertama kali dibuat di Yaman pada sekitar abad ke-9. Pada mulanya kopi membantu kaum sufi berjaga lewat malam untuk beribadah. Kemudian dibawa ke Kaherah oleh sekelompok pelajar dan kemudian kopi disukai oleh semua orang ketika itu. Pada abad ke-13 kopi dibawa menyeberangi ke Turki, namun kopi diperkenalkan di Eropah pada abad ke-16, kopi pula dibawa ke Itali oleh pedagang Venice'-dipetik dalam Majalah Ujang

How are you today? Me? Alhamdulillah i feel good hehe Macam iklan pula.

Dihari Jumaat yang penuh berkah ini ayuh kita ringankan lidah untuk berselawat kepada nabi junjungan kita iaitu Nabi Muhammad s.a.w (pbuh).

Just morning i got dua sampul surat yang bercop daripada penerbit ternama di Malaysia. Terkejut sungguh! Bila dah buka haha Hadiah duit rupanya. Alhamdulillah itu semua hasil usaha keras saya selama ini. Senyum saya melebar hingga ke hujung kepala erk! haha ayat sendiri sila terima dengan hati yang menguntum lebat. Seronok dapat tengok pelangi walaupun tak mampu digapai tapi pelangi di hati tetap berirama untuk terus berkarya hohoho apa saya tulis ini?

Hahaha memang saya suka merepek dan merapu. Dapat makan ikan kerapu 3 rasa sedap juga ya!

Saya akan terus berusaha dan bekerja dengan keras seperti batu hehe

Bie:Alhamdulillah thank you ALLAH

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Thursday, August 9, 2012


Salam semua,

Hari Khamis sudah menjenguk. Cepat sungguh masa berlalu. Sudah lama pula saya tidak menjenguk rumah sendiri. Entah! saya sibuk , sibuk dan menyibuk hehehe

Biarlah tak update pun lagipun tiada siapa nak baca melainkan saya saja hehe Sungguh ayat macam tak sedap dibaca kwang kwang kwang

Sungguh saya penat untuk menyiapkan kerja saya yang merupakan seorang USAHAWAN menulis hehe Tapi saya seronok dan suka dengan kerja saya. Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah... saya akan terus berusaha selagi nyawa dikendong badan yang tak seberapa besar ini hihihi

Hehehe Semangat. Kuat. Tengoklah bukti di bawah. Alhamdulillah buku saya tersenarai seperti saya highlight [baca: tanda dengan terang]. Ini membuatkan saya makin bersemangat untuk terus menulis. Ya Allah! kuatkan semangat saya untuk terus berjuang.

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

TOP 100 Bulan Julai 2012 Berdasarkan Unit Terjual

1. Yasin Tahlil & Doa Ed. Pengantin 10289
2. Yasin Ed. Angin Ahmar 9886
3. Geronimo Stilton: Sumpahan Piramid Keju 3933
4. Senangnya Memasak Ayam 3874
5. Resipi Warisan - Sayur 3598
6. Kuasa Iqra': Menguasai Dunia Menikmati Akhirat 3395
7. 1 Hari 1 Resipi Chef Hanieliza 3240
8. Resipi Warisan - Kerabu 3208
9. Anda Bertanya Ustaz Azhar Idrus Menjawab 3162
10. Komik-M: Adiwira: Si Cilik Penyelamat Bumi 2976
11. Travelog Kehidupan Abadi 2873
12. Senangnya Memasak Puding & Desert 2804
13. Amalan 24 Jam Dalam Kehidupan Rasulullah 2650
14. Kelab Rahsia Hati 2434
15. Hero Takut Zombie 2369
16. Art of Deception - Ed.Bahasa Melayu 2346
17. Lempeng Keju Dari Pisa 2327
18. Usahawan Cilik: Hana Banana 2285
19. Senah White & Wannababes Kerdil 2273
20. Senangnya Memasak Ikan dan Makanan Laut 2250
21. Daddy Long Legs 2238
22. Fahami Bacaan Dalam Solatmu 2167
23. Resipi Ala Gerai: Masakan Thai 2117
24. Usahawan Cilik: Gadis Jambu 2115
25. Alakudin & Lampu Tidak Ajaib 2096
26. Law Of Universal Attraction - Ed. Bahasa Melayu 1947
27. Motivasi Gaya Rasulullah 1892
28. Senangnya Memasak Mi, Mihun & Kuetiau 1868
29. Senangnya Memasak Sambal & Sos 1836
30. Resipi Ala Gerai: Masakan Mamak 1803
31. Sebelum Aku Bernikah 1772
32. Asas Praktikal Solat Untuk Lelaki 1769
33. Lawak Sekolah: Belajar Berkenalan 1736
34. Asas Praktikal Solat Untuk Perempuan 1722
35. Senangnya Memasak Kuih-Muih Minum Petang 1707
36. Komik-M: Super Safee 1 (Kelahiran Bintang) 1685
37. Senangnya Memasak Kerabu & Salad 1685
38. Aku Mahu Cincin Di Jari 1668
39. Hidangan Terbaik Dunia - Thailand 1656
40. Resipi Ala Gerai - Cina 1651
41. 44 Resipi Kek & Biskut 1603
42. Apabila Dia Menyapa, Jodohkah Namanya 1588
43. Aku Mahu Buli 1568
44. Saad bin Abu Waqas 1568
45. Senangnya Memasak Daging 1559
46. Aku Mahu Superbibik 1541
47. 70 Hadis: Mudah Hafal Mudah Amal 1516
48. Aku Mahu Bunga Di Hati 1513
49. Hidangan Terbaik Dunia - Siam 1513
50. Senangnya Memasak Ikan 1473
51. 50 Hidangan Penambat Selera 1364
52. Senangnya Memasak Kuih Kukus 1362
53. Senangnya Memasak Makanan Laut 1346
54. Hidangan Terbaik Dunia - Cina 1324
55. Hamzah Bin Abdul Muttalib 1301
56. Cita Rasa Malaysia - Perak 1268
57. 501 Soal Jawab Darah Wanita 1232
58. Coklat Untuk Iman: Ada Yang Melihatmu 1200
59. Irkam Ma'ana - bahtera Menuju Ke Syurga 1176
60. Komik-M: Misi 10A Plus 1160
61. Kuasa Kepimpinan Illahiah 1127
62. Himpunan Wirid & Doa Selepas Sembahyang 1078
63. Senangnya Memasak Makanan Barat 1073
64. Amalan 24 Jam Wanita Haid 1056
65. Badiuzzaman Said Nursi 1038
66. Senangnya Berpuasa Bagi Orang Sibuk 1036
67. Cerita Dari Syurga 1004
68. Tampil Positif Sejak Remaja 989
69. Komik-M: Kuih Raya Dari Syurga 982
70. Komik-M: Aku, Kau & Cinta 2 (Cinta K-Pop) 937
71. Senangnya Memasak Tauhu & Telur 917
72. Senangnya Memasak Nasi, Mi, Mihun & Kuetiau 862
73. Mustafa Kamal Atarturk 840
74. Smile 839
75. Dahsyatnya Doa Ibu 827
76. Pantun Untuk Majlis Dan Acara Rasmi 806
77. Biografi Muhammad bin Abdullah 791
78. Doa Murah Rezeki 763
79. Srikandi-Srikandi Yang Benar 739
80. Senangnya Memasak Sayur 739
81. Komik-M: Amylea 2 (Si Pencinta Anak Patung) 728
82. Cita Rasa Malaysia - Melaka 719
83. 101 Info: Seronoknya Berpuasa 714
84. Jihan Yang Baik Hati 714
85. Cita Rasa Malaysia - Kedah 706
86. Ledakan Facebook: Antara Pahala & Dosa 695
87. Koleksi Doa Terpilih Daripada Al-Quran 688
88. Istikharah Cinta 680
89. Rindu Purnama 674
90. Tempat Ke-2? 667
91. Komik-M: Dear Yayah The Comics 4 (Lompat Asrama) 654
92. Hadiah Daripada Pengantin 647
93. Cita Rasa Malaysia - Kelantan 647
94. Imam Hanbali: Penegak Kebenaran 647
95. Misi 8A The Novel 639
96. Komik-M: Misi 8A 621
97. Hidangan Terbaik Dunia - Singapura 614
98. Resipi Warisan - Kuih Muih 604
99. Cikgu Paling Comel 594
100. Komik-M: Aku, Kau & Facebook: V2.0 593

Ini satu lagi hehe Semangat macam kereta kebal. Ayuh!

Thursday, July 05, 2012

TOP 200 Bulan Jun 2012 Berdasarkan Unit Terjual

1. Art of Deception - Ed BM
2. 1 Hari 1 Resipi 365 - Chef Hanieliza
3. Wahabi Sesatkah Mereka?
4. Yasin Tahlil & Doa - Ed. Al-Mathurat
5. Malaikat Dalam Al-Quran
6. 44 Resipi Kek & Biskut
7. Resipi Warisan - Kuih Muih
8. Mukjizat Solat Sunnah Rasulullah
9. Komik-M: Aku, Kau & Cinta 2 (Cinta K-Pop)
10. 50 Hidangan Penambat Selera
11. Resipi Warisan - Kerabu
12. Senangnya Memasak Nasi, Mi, Mihun & Kuetiau
13. Tafsir Ayat-Ayat Ramadan
14. Travelog Haji Muslimah
15. Pelajar Bertanya Prof. Dr. Muhaya Menjawab
16. Tip Sihat Ke Tanah Suci
17. Keagungan Surah Yasin
18. Resipi Warisan - Sayur
19. Senangnya Memasak Kuih Kukus
20. Komik-M: Dear Yayah The Comics 4 (Lompat Asrama)
21. Cerita Dari Syurga
22. Resipi Warisan - Makanan Berkuah
23. Istikharah Cinta
24. Ledakan Facebook: Antara Pahala & Dosa
25. Resipi Warisan - Lauk Pauk
26. Senangnya Memasak Mi, Mihun & Kuetiau
27. Asbabun Nuzul
28. Anda Bertanya Ustaz Azhar Idrus Menjawab
29. Amalan Dan Doa Kesukaan Nabi Muhammad
30. Senangnya Memasak Ayam
31. Separuh Potong Piza
32. Senangnya Memasak Puding & Desert
33. Kuasa Iqra': Menguasai Dunia Menikmati Akhirat
34. Siri Mudahnya Islam: Panduan Umrah dan Ziarah
35. Misi 8A The Novel
36. 303 Soal Jawab Fikah Kematian
37. Komik-M: Misi 10A Plus
38. Smile
39. Saranghaeyo, Arumi! (Arumi Kekasihku)
40. Fikah Sakit Hati
41. Rancang Wang Sejak Jatuh Cinta
42. Resipi Ala Gerai: Masakan Thai
43. Resipi Ala Gerai: Masakan Mamak
44. Buku Conteng: Jimi Dan Raksasa Misai Di Sekolah
45. Komik-M: Amylea 2 (Si Pencinta Anak Patung)
46. Buku Conteng: Jimi dalam Akibat Jambul Alif
47. Senangnya Memasak...Kuih-Muih Minum Petang
48. Biografi Muhammad bin Abdullah
49. 101 Info: Seronoknya Berpuasa
50. Komik-M: Kuih Raya Dari Syurga
51. Resipi Ala Gerai - Cina
52. 101 Info: Seronoknya Bersedekah
53. Awak Semanis Red Velvet
54. Panduan Memborong Di Vietnam
55. Hello, Jejaka Marsmallow!
56. Aku Mahu Cincin Di Jari
57. Senangnya Memasak Ikan
58. Cinta Bintang Jatuh
59. Doa Murah Rezeki
60. Ini Mawar, Itu Rose
61. 70 Hadis: Mudah Hafal Mudah Amal
62. Law Of Universal Attraction - Ed. BM
63. Hidangan Terbaik Dunia - Thailand
64. Senangnya Memasak Nasi
65. Senangnya Memasak Daging
66. Dua Syurga Dalam Hatiku
67. Himpunan Wirid & Doa Selepas Sembahyang
68. Senangnya Memasak Sambal & Sos
69. Fahami Bacaan Dalam Solatmu
70. Usahawan Cilik: Hana Banana
71. Senangnya Memasak Makanan Barat
72. Puteri Qairina & Kalung Azalea
73. Aku Mahu Ke New York 2
74. Apabila Dia Menyapa , Jodohkah Namanya
75. Hamzah Bin Abdul Muttalib
76. Terpelanting Dari Siratulmustaqim
77. Usahawan Cilik: Gadis Jambu
78. Lawak Sekolah: Belajar Berkenalan
79. Komik-M: Opie & Jaja
80. Travelog Kehidupan Abadi
81. Senangnya Memasak Makanan Laut
82. Senangnya Memasak Sayur
83. Dahsyatnya Doa Ibu
84. Senangnya Memasak Kerabu & Salad
85. Komik-M: Dunia Kartun 3 (Lawak Budak Sekolah)
86. Alakudin & Lampu Tidak Ajaib
87. Teknik Terhebat Menang-Menang
88. Teknik Terhebat Bereskan Kerja
89. Riyadus Solihin: Taman Orang Soleh
90. DSLR Itu Mudah: Kuasai Fungsi & Kawalan
91. Komik-M: Misi 8A
92. Senangnya Memasak Ikan dan Makanan Laut
93. 365 Tip Sihat Gaya Rasulullah
94. Saya Tahu Rahsia Awak
95. Kuasa Kepimpinan Illahiah
96. Komik-M: Misi 10A
97. Urutan Mesra Buat Si Manja
98. Senangnya Memasak Tauhu & Telur
99. Magnet Rezeki Dengan Solat Duha
100. Jutawan Gedik
101. Hidangan Terbaik Dunia - Cina
102. Komik-M: Aku, Kau & Komik 3 (Cari Bakat)
103. Tampil Positif Sejak Remaja
104. Wasatiah Indahnya Hidup bersederhana
105. Jihan Yang Baik Hati
106. Adik Datang
107. Khutbah Rasulullah
108. Travelog Haji + VCD - Edisi Kemas Kini
109. Yassin Dan Tahlil
110. Resipi Sihat & Mudah: Sarapan Pagi & Minum Petang
111. Resipi Sihat & Mudah: Tengah Hari & Makan Malam
112. Chicken Soup For The Soul: Think Positive - Ed. BM
113. Saad bin Abu Waqas
114. Mustafa Kamal Atarturk
115. Cita Rasa Malaysia - Kedah
116. Perjanjian Hudaibiyah
117. Aku Mahu Lawan Hantu
118. Agenda Yahudi Menakluk Dunia
119. Cita Rasa Malaysia - Perak
120. Puteri Damia & Kampung Ajaib
121. Resipi Sihat & Mudah: Pembuka Selera
122. 7 Surah Pilihan Sebagai Amalan Harian
123. Perangi Sihir
124. Koleksi Istimewa Edisi 3 Dalam 1: Komik Tebal Dari Syurga
125. Motivasi Gaya Rasulullah
126. Sebarkan Cinta Mu
127. Armagedon 2012: Bencana Akhir Zaman
128. Mulakan Kerja Dengan Doa
129. Cita Rasa Malaysia - Melaka
130. Srikandi-Srikandi Yang Benar
131. Bencana Akhir Zaman
132. Komik-M: Smash-20 #2 (Gelanggang Elit)
133. Men Are from Mars, Women Are From Venus - Ed. BM
134. Aku Mahu Bunga Di Hati
135. 101 Info: Seronoknya Solat
136. Terapi Ruqyah
137. Senangnya Memasak...Kambing
138. Syama'il Muhammadiyah
139. Perang-Perang Yang Benar
140. Cef Pastri: Biskut Raya
141. Hidangan Terbaik Dunia - Siam
142. Komik-M: Adiwira: Si Cilik Penyelamat Bumi
143. Komik-M: Aku, Kau & Bola 2 (Separuh Masa Ke-2)
144. Koleksi Terpilih Doa Untuk Pelajar
145. Anda Bertanya Ustaz Menjawab Mengenai Solat
146. Zubair Bin Awwam: Pengiring Nabi
147. Imam-Imam Yang Benar
148. Daddy Long Legs
149. Islam The Misunderstood Religion
150. Salahudin Ayubi: Penakluk Jerusalem
151. Senah White & Wannababes Kerdil
152. Pilihlah Aku Menjadi Duta Kecantikan
153. Komik-M: Aku, Kau & Facebook: V3.0
154. Koleksi Doa Terpilih Daripada Al-Quran
155. Seni & Kraf: Kartun Dinosour
156. Yakjuj & Makjuj: 5 Gelombang Pembawa Bencana
157. Bekalan Untuk Musafir
158. Kelab Rahsia Hati
159. 23 Resipi Buah-buahan: Nanas
160. Yassin & Tahlil Edisi Al-Manzil
161. Talhah bin Ubaidillah
162. Israk Mikraj: Tinjauan Saintifik Di Sebalik Kontroversi
163. Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh
164. Cinderellah vs Rapunzellah
165. Aku Mahu Popular - Edisi Kemas Kini
166. Konspirasi Yahudi Peperangan Dan Penaklukan
167. Aween Tikitok
168. Lempeng Keju Dari Pisa
169. Nomi Duta Gigi
170. The Success Principles - Ed. BM
171. 23 Resipi Buah-buahan: Durian
172. Glamor & Vogue Itulah Aku!
173. Dahsyatnya Qiamullail
174. Diari Super 3G
175. Perisian Hebat Untuk Desain Dan Foto
176. Oh, Gadis Kek!
177. Menyingkap Mukjizat Surah Al-Waqiah
178. Why Men Don't Listen And Why Women Can't Read Maps - Ed. BM
179. Jihan Yang Solehah
180. Komik-M: Aku, Kau & Cinta 1 (Cinta Pandang Pertama)
181. Aku Mahu Teman Tapi Mesra - Edisi Kemas Kini
182. Komik-M: Meon 5 (Menentang Kambing United)
183. Yasin Tahlil & Doa Edisi Pengantin
184. Prince Charming: Siapa Awak?
185. Hidangan Terbaik Dunia - Brunei
186. Rahsia Jutawan Islam Abdul Rahman Bin Auf
187. Khalifah-khalifah Yang Benar
188. Mendidik Anak Perempuan
189. Yakjuj & Makjuj: Bencana Di Sebalik Gunung
190. Aku Mahu Saiz XL
191. Duyung Diva & Si Tanggang
192. Komik-M: Dunia Kartun 2 (Lawak Orang Bujang)
193. Komik-M: Shootz! 1 (Kelahiran Semula Seorang Jaguh)
194. Mendidik Anak Lelaki
195. Munajat Malam
196. Cita Rasa Malaysia - Sabah
197. 50 Tip Motivasi Haji
198. Pesanan Buat Diri
199. Dahsyatnya Taubat Nasuha
200. Umar Abdul Aziz: Bayangan Khalifah al-Rasyidin

Dan...buku-buku masakan terbitan PTS juga ada iklannya di iaitu radio yang selalu saya dengar dan kenal dengan semua pendengarnya. Kenal tapi tidak pernah berjumpa hohoho Insya-Allah one sweet day kata orang putihnya...kata orang melayunya pula suatu hari yang manis erk! hahaha

Bie: *..* hoyeahhhhh..


Monday, August 6, 2012

Artikel Yang Osem...Heh?


Artikel ini saya ambil daripada belog orang osem ini .Sila baca ya! jangan malu-malu dan lapar-lapar erk? hehe

Surah Roti Canai


Suatu hari, di sebuah surau di pinggir ibu kota, telah diadakan suatu kuliah Maghrib yang membicarakan tentang kehebatan dan keajaiban al-Quran. Ustaz Alimin Saleh yang berceramah dengan begitu bersemangat hidung kembang-kempis sekali, bersungguh-sungguh meyakinkan para jemaah surau bahawa al-Quran itu adalah mukjizat agung dari langit.

Tampaknya ustaz tersebut seolah-olahnya berjaya meyakinkan para hadirin kerana rata-rata daripada mereka tampak bersinar-sinar matanya selepas mendengar kuliah yang disampaikan, sehinggalah sesi soal jawab dibuka kepada mereka yang hadir.

Seorang lelaki bingkas bangun. Sambil tersenyum keji, dia bertanya.

"Ustaz Alimin, kalau betullah al-Quran ni ajaib, jika benarlah Allah cerita semua benda dalam al-Quran ni, ustaz tunjuk pada kami semua, dekat mana dalam al-Quran ni yang Allah cerita pasal cara-cara nak buat roti canai!"

Jemaah surah menjadi bingit dan riuh dengan pertanyaan pemuda itu. Tidak ternah terlintas di kepala otak mereka ada orang yang begitu berani bertindak sedemikian. Namun, jauh di lubuk hati mereka, mereka juga ingin tahu apakah jawapan kepada persoalan pemuda itu.

Kelihatan ustaz tersebut menggaru kepalanya yang tidak gatal itu. Dia berfikir sejenak. Hadirin tiba-tiba menjadi sunyi sepi, menanti-nantikan jawapan daripada ustaz tersebut. Pemuda yang bertanya tadi sekali lagi mengukir senyuman, mengagak pastilah ustaz tersebut akan mengalah dengan pertanyaan tadi.

Ustaz lantas membuka mulutnya.

"Ada, pasti ada. Tapi berikan saya sedikit masa untuk mencarinya. Yalah, al-Quran ni ada enam ribu lebih ayat. Saya nak kena selidik satu-persatu dahulu. Ada, Insha-Allah ada!"

Pemuda tadi tampak sedikit terkejut. Tidak disangkanya ustaz akan menerima cabarannya itu.

"Baiklah. Kalau macam tu, esok waktu kuliah Subuh, ustaz kena tunjukkan pada kami semua, sama ada Allah ada atau tidak ajar umat manusia cara-cara nak tebar roti canai!"


Sungguh kool lagi bergaya ustaz itu. Eh.

Seusai solat Isyak berjemaah, terkincit-kincitlah Ustaz Alimin pulang ke rumah, kerana mahu segera memulakan ekspedisi mencari 'Surah Roti Canai.' Dia segera mengeluarkan kitab al-Quran 50 dalam 1 yang dibelinya di Indonesia setahun lepas, yang disimpannya di rak perpustakaan mini rumahnya. Maka bermulalah pencarian Surah Roti Canai bermula dengan surah al-Fatihah di awalannya.

Sehingga surah Yusuf, Ustaz Alimin masih gagal mencari mana-mana ayat yang menceritakan tentang teknik-teknik membuat roti canai. Ketika itu jarum jam sudah pon menunjukkan angka satu dan tujuh. Peluh besar mula mengalir perlahan di tepi dahinya.

Ah, aku takkan berputus-asa! Al-Quran ni kalamullah! Semua benda Allah ada cerita dalam kitab agung ni!

Pencarian Surah Roti Canai diteruskan. Mata Ustaz Alimin sudah mula dipenuhi dengan zat-zat besi yang memberatkan kelopak mata. Bisikan-bisikan putus-asa sudah mula kedengaran kuat di dalam kepala Ustaz Alimin.

"Sudahlah tu Alimin oii. Kau mengaku kalah je lah. Kau pon tahu, mana wujud Surah Roti Canai dalam dunia ni...?? Bidaah tu!"

Namun Ustaz Alimin tetap berkeras dan teguh hati. Kesabaran dan keyakinannya akhirnya berbayar juga. Tepat jam dua setengah pagi, seluruh isi rumah dikejutkan dengan jeritan yabedabedu Ustaz Alimin.

"Alhamdulillaaaaahhh...! Dah jumpa....! DAH JUUUMMPPAAAA....! Wooohoooo...!"

Mujurlah isteri Ustaz Alimin, Puan Mazidah Rosman segera mendiamkan suaminya itu sebelum jiran-tetangga datang menyerang dengan pinggan terbang atau cawan layang.

Esok pagi, Ustaz Alimin ke surau dengan senyuman berseri-seri hingga ke telinga. Jemaah surau yang sempat bersalaman dan berjumpa dengannya turut merasakan aura keriangan Ustaz Alimin. Hal ini menjadikan mereka ternanti-nanti dan tidak sabar dengan jawapan yang bakal diberikan oleh beliau.

Tiba masa yang ditunggu-tunggu, Ustaz Alimin mengambil tempatnya, bersedia untuk memulakan kuliah Subuh. Seperti yang dijangkakannya, pemuda yang bertanyakan soalan itu dahulu memulakan bicara.

"Macam mana ustaz..? Jumpa tak mana-mana ayat yang cerita pasal roti canai..??"

Ustaz Alimin tersenyum yakin.


Pemuda itu sedikit kaget. Ketika bertanyakan soalan itu semalam, dia amat yakin yang Ustaz Alimin pasti gagal memenuhi permintaannya itu. Tidak disangkanya Ustaz Alimin akan berjumpa juga dengan jawapannya. Namun dia masih skeptikal.

"Ustaz jangan nak bohong ustaz. Bahagian mana dalam al-Quran yang cerita pasal roti canai..??'

"Uish... Takkan saya nak bohong kottt...! Bukan setakat sekali, tapi dua kali Allah beritahu pada kita semua, apakah cara terbaik nak buat roti canai!"

Ketika ini hadirin menjadi riuh. Tidak kurang yang terjegil biji mata dan terlopong mulut mendengar kenyataan berani mati Ustaz Alimin itu. Malah tirai bahagian jemaah wanita juga diselak, kerana berminatnya kaum Hawa untuk sama-sama mendengar penjelasan Ustaz Alimin.

"Allah berfirman dalam surah al-Nahl dan surah al-Anbiya', bahawasanya:

'Fas-alu ahla zikri, inkuntum la ta'lamun. Bertanyalah kepada orang yang tahu, sekiranya kamu tak tahu!'

Ha itulah rahsia macam mana nak buat roti canai!"

"Maksudnya ustaz..?"

Tanya pemuda itu sambil menggaru hidungnya, separuh tidak berpuas hati dan separuh lagi benar-benar mahukan penjelasan yang lebih daripada Ustaz Alimin.

"Maksudnya... Kalau nak tahu cara-cara buat roti canai, tanyalah pada mamak yang pandai buat roti canai!"


Kisah ini bukan kisah orijinal rekaan saya. Saya pertama kali mendengarnya ketika menghadiri suatu ceramah ketika di kolej dahulu. Namun seperti biasalah, kisah yang ringkas ini pastilah akan ditambah perisa sesedap rasa apabila jatuh ke tangan Inche gabbana! Wahahaha..

Ada tiga pengajaran besar yang saya secara peribadinya boleh sedut dan ambil iktibar daripada kisah ini.

1) Jangan perlekehkan keagungan al-Quran. Sungguh, walaupon di dalam al-Quran tidak terkandung alamat rumah nenek anda atau tarikh hari lahir kawan baik anda sewaktu di tadika dahulu, al-Quran mengandungi segala-galanya yang diperlukan oleh manusia untuk menjalani hidup yang terpimpin dan sempurna. Ia mengandungi sejuta satu rahsia, yang bisa merungkaikan apa jua jenis ikatan dan menyelesaikan apa jua jenis permasalahan. Ia hanya menanti-nantikan kita untuk membuka peti simpanan khazanah berharga ini.

2) Dekati dan jatuh chentalah dengan al-Quran. Al-quran sentiasa berkata-kata dan menghamburkan bait-bait chentanya kepada kita. Hanya kita sahaja yang sering tidak mengendahkan seruan chenta agung ini. Dekatilah ia dan cuba selami apa yang mahu dikongsikan oleh Allah yang Maha Bijaksana itu, nescaya anda akan jatuh chenta berkali-kali berguling-guling dengannya. Setiap permasalahan dan gundah-gulana anda pasti akan terjawab dengan anda menyelak lembaran-lembaran chenta ini. Percayalah, al-Quran tidak akan mengechiwakan anda!

Ah! Asyiknya mentadabbur al-Quran! [Kredit]

3) Katakan tidak tahu apabila anda tidak tahu! Tiada masalahnya untuk mengaku bahawa anda jahil dan tidak tahu. Malah, seseorang yang berani untuk mengaku kelemahan dan kedhaifannya, dia adalah manusia yang paling kacak dan bergaya! Ohoii..! Malah ar-Rasul SAW kekasih chenta hati itu dan para sahabat besar telah menjadi qudwah terbaik kepada kita, bahawa tiada salahnya untuk mengaku kekurangan ilmu yang ada pada diri sendiri. Tetapi mengaku tidak tahu bukanlah penghujung jalannya. Apabila anda tidak tahu, maka carilah orang yang berilmu yang dapat berkongsikan ilmunya dengan anda.

Pendek kata, carilah orang yang tahu apabila anda tidak tahu! Malu bertanya, sesat barat nanti kak oii!


Ok tiba-tiba rasa lapar. Teringat roti canai garing Dhurbar, dicicah dengan dhal sambal dan kari ikan... Gulp.

Bie:Heh! baru sebut-sebut nak makan roti canai. Jom Inche Gabbana belanja saya :XD


The Days and Nights of Ramadhan...


A very good evening to all of you out there. How was your day today? Erkkk! kenapa cikpuan Salbie suka merepek ya? Mimpi apa tulis orang putih? eleh...

Hahaha no komen...Ayuh kita kayuh otak dan baca artikel yang osem ini!

Ramadan is a very special month for the Muslims, as in it Muslims around the world perform various types of worship, the most important of them being fasting. This fasting of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam, mandatory upon all adolescents and adults who have the ability. Ramadan is also the month in which the first revelation came to the Prophet Muhammad, and thus is called the “Month of the Quran”. During this month, there is a noticeable change in people’s lives as well as societies. This article will describe a typical day of a Muslim during this month of forgiveness.


“Eat a predawn meal, for indeed in it there is blessing.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)
Although not obligatory, Muslims families throughout Ramadan rise early in the morning before the first traces of light and partake in a light meal in implementation of this Prophet teaching. Usually, the day of a Muslim starts with the dawn prayer performed when the first traces of light appear in the sky, but since it is the time when one starts the fast by withholding from food or drink, the Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, encouraged Muslims to arise before that time and partake in a meal.
From this it is clear that the point of fasting is not that one feels hunger throughout the day, but rather that one changes their lifestyle in order for it to be more conducive to the worship of Allah, a fact which will become quite clear. One who often misses the dawn prayer, the hardest of the five prayers to perform due to its stated time, in this blessed month arises early in order to partake in a meal. Thus this person becomes accustomed to awakening at an early hour, ultimately helping him to perform the dawn prayer for the rest of the year.
The most beloved of the voluntary prayers is one called “Qiyaam –ul-Layl”, or the Night Prayer. This prayer is performed before the dawn prayer in solitude. It is so beloved that it is usually nicknamed “the Prayer of the Pious”, a prayer performed by the devout when the majority of people are still sleeping in their beds. God described this prayer in the Quran, saying:
“Their sides forsake from (their) beds, calling upon their Lord in fear and in hope….” (Quran 32:16)
Waking in the early hours before dawn to eat a meal also encourage the believers to perform this blessed prayer, one which otherwise seem like an arduous task for some.
This predawn meal is to be eaten close to the time of dawn, and thus people continue to eat until they hear the mu’ezzin, or caller of prayer, call out the azaan from the local mosque, signaling that the first traces of light have appeared. Thus, Muslims end their meal and prepare themselves to attend the congregational prayer at their local mosque, held five times a day throughout the year.


After attending the dawn prayer, many Muslims choose to sit in the mosque for a while and recite a selected portion of the Quran at this time. Recitation of the Quran is recommended at all times, and due to it one’s faith increases in Islam:
“The believers are only those who, when Allah is mentioned, their hearts tremble with fear, and when His Verses are recited unto them, they (i.e. the Verses) increase their Faith; and they put their trust in their Lord (Alone).”(Quran 8:2)

Being the month in which the Quran was revealed, Muslims are even more zealous to recite its entirety, as this was also done by the Prophet.
“[The Prophet] would meet him (Gabriel) every night in Ramadan and they would recite the Quran to each other.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)
Quite often in Ramadan in the Muslim world, you will hardly find a mosque empty during any part of the day. Muslims try to set aside time this month in order to complete the Quran and ponder its meanings.


In most Muslim countries, workload and schedules are lightened in order to accommodate for the special features of this month. Children go to school at a later time to accommodate for their early rise and the late night prayer, and the majority of businesses close well before dusk. Many stores also remain open throughout the night.
During daylight hours until the sun sets below the horizon. Muslim abstain all types of food and drink, as well as sexual intercourse with their spouses. This creates a sense within the Muslim throughout the day that they are obeying the commands of God, as they leave things which are perfectly permissible at other times. This created within the Muslims a conscience which encourages them to leave those deeds impermissible at all times. Muslims, dry-mouthed from lack of water and abstaining from all types of food seen throughout the day, gain a sixth sense – God consciousness - and this is the goal of fasting the month of Ramadan. God says in the Quran:
“Fasting has been prescribed for you as it has been prescribed for those before you in order that you become of the God-conscious.” (Quran 2:183)
Fasting is a secret worship which a person offers to God. He may very well eat and drink in privacy without anyone coming to know of it… but the trait which keeps the Muslim from doing so is this consciousness of His Lord.
For this reason, one sees that many sinful Muslims as well leave many of their sins during this blessed month, due to its sacredness, and one hopes that this will cause them to be more faithful throughout the remainder of the year.
The Prophet warned Muslims against certain sins they might easily fall into and thus ruin the goal of fasting. The Prophet said:
“Whoever does not stop speaking falsehood and acting in accordance with it, God has no need of him giving up his food and drink.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)
He also warned against being provoked into behaving rudely. He encouraged Muslims to respond to one who may provoke him by saying:
“Indeed I am fasting, Indeed I am fasting.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)
These Prophetic sayings are clear in that the main benefit of Ramadan is spiritual and moral rectitude.
Thus one finds in Muslim societies that a spirit of peace dwells in the hearts of Muslims throughout Ramadan, due to the extra worship and avoidance of all evilness and ill manners. One finds that people are generally more easy to deal with and lighthearted, and when one lives in a society for one month in which most of the people are fasting, the sense of unity and brotherhood which results is unmatched by any other occasion, except maybe the Hajj.


As the day ends, Muslims gather in their homes in wait for sunset. Mothers and daughters are usually busy at this time preparing breakfast and dinner, while men usually return from their work and slip into more comfortable clothes, either taking time to recite the Quran or help out in the preparation for breakfast. Before sunset, the family gathers at the dining table in wait for the mu’ezzin, utilizing this time supplicating to Allah and asking Him for His Mercy.
“Indeed for each fasting person there is a prayer which is answered when they break their fast.” (Tuhfat-ul-Muhtaj)
Once the call to prayer is heard, Muslims hurry to break their fast with dates, in emulation of the Prophet, and offer words of gratitude taught by the Prophet.
“The Thirst has been quenched, and the veins have become moist and full, and the reward is certain, God willing.” (Abu Dawood)
Many Muslims add:
“Oh Allah, indeed for You Alone I have fasted, and in You alone I have believed. With your provisions I have broken my fast, and upon You I have trusted.”
Muslims then eat a light meal of various appetizers and drinks. Many times, Muslims find themselves either invited or inviting others, whether they be members of the extended family, one’s friends, or the poor. The majority of mosques also offer free food in order ease the sufferings for the poor. May mosques hold iftar in order to strengthen community ties, common in countries in which Muslims are minorities. Prophet Muhammad encouraged to feed others during this blessed month in his saying:
“Whoever gives food to a fasting person with which to break his fast, he will have a reward equal to his (the fasting person)…” (Al-Tirmidhi)
Special rations are also distributed to needy households in the beginning of the month by charitable organizations to meet the needs of the month.
The delight felt at breaking fast is one truly indescribable. Never does the most meager of meals seem so tasty or bring so much joy to a believer. Indeed the Prophet spoke the truth when he said:
“The fasting person will feel two moments of joy: one moment when he breaks his fast and another when he meets his Lord.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)
There is no time at that point to eat a large meal, as sunset is the time for another prescribed prayer. Muslims prepare to attend the congregational prayer, mostly always at walking distance. After attending the dusk prayer, some Muslims eat dinner, while others delay eating until the night prayer is finished, an event which is one of the main features of the night of Ramadan, another spiritual dimension of this blessed month of mercy and blessings.
After performing the dusk prayer, Muslims return to their homes either to continue with their appetizers or eat dinner. Most people, however, choose not to eat much, as it will hinder them in performing that worship which is the delight of the believer in Ramadan – the taraweeh prayer. This prayer is held immediately after the night prayer, which is performed when the last traces of dusk disappear, about an hour and a half after the dusk prayer.


The taraweeh is a special prayer performed in congregation. It is quite long, lasting about an hour to an hour and a half. It is performed every night of Ramadan, and in it most of the Imams, or prayer leaders, seek to complete the recitation of the entire Quran. In it Muslims pray to their Lord, standing, bowing and prostrating to Him, and gain the opportunity to listen to the Quran in its entirety, listening to its verses in a melodious voice as if they were being revealed then and there. Mosques with more proficient recitors tend to fill quickly, so worshippers arrive earlier than the stated time to reserve their place. Some mosques have over a thousand worshippers who come from all over the city to attend. Indeed it is an experience one awaits an entire year to experience. Thetaraweeh prayer is a means of forgiveness, as the Prophet said:
“Whoever stands the night in prayer in Ramadan believing in God and seeking His reward, all his previous sins will be forgiven.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)
Worshippers listen to the Quran being recited in prayer and ponder over its meanings, and the voice of the Imam has much to do with the effect it has on people. In various mosques, it is not rare to see people crying while listening to its verses, verses which speak of the blessings of God, His Mercy and Love, His Paradise which He has reserved for the patient believers, as well as verses which speak about the sufferings of Hell. The Quran is a revelation which speaks to each individual, and thus each individual feels that God is directly addressing him when he hears it. Thus the feelings which arise while listening to its recitation is truly incomparable and indescribable.
At the end of the taraweeh prayer, the Imam and the congregation raise their hand in supplication to God for themselves and for the Muslims, asking God to forgive their sins, give them strength to practice their faith and remain firm, enter them into Paradise, to cure the sick, to forgive those who have already passed away, and all other good things of this world and the next. They also ask God to save them from the punishment of the day of Judgment, to ease their account on that day, and also to ease the sufferings of their brethren throughout the world. It is not uncommon to find the majority of the congregation in tears begging their Lord. Indeed the taraweeh prayer is one of the highlights of Ramadan and plays a great role in giving inspiration to and the rectitude of the Muslims.
After the taraweeh, Muslims return to their homes and eat dinner, and then retire to bed in preparation for their early rise for the predawn meal.
As one can see, Ramadan is a month in which various kinds of worship are performed to God. Ramadan is like a training period in which Muslims change their lifestyles to one which is in accords to God’s commandments. From the time a person awakens in the morning, throughout the day and into the night, a Muslim is performing various types of worship, some obligatory while others voluntary, all in order to gain the pleasure of his Lord. This month is indeed a key factor in the lives of Muslims, a period of rejuvenation in which the believer is inspired for another year in his life, one filled with the pleasure of God and void of His anger.
There are other special features in Ramadan.


1. “Indeed we have revealed it (the Quran) in the Honored Night.
2. And what will explain to you what the Honored Night is?
3. The Honored Night is better than a thousand months.
4. In it, the angels descend as well as the Spirit (Gabriel) by the permission of their Lord, with all types of decrees.
5. ‘Peace’ it is until the rising of dawn.” (Quran:97:1-5)
It was Ramadan in which the Quran was revealed from the heavens to the Earth. More specifically, it was one of the last ten nights of this blessed month. The Prophet said:
“Seek the Honored Night in the last ten.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)
On that night, worship and good deeds are better than performing them for a thousand months, as mentioned in the verses above. Thus the Prophet would increase his worship by staying awake the whole night in worship.
“When he entered the [last] ten [nights] of Ramadan, the Prophet would ‘rollup his sleeves’ and give life to the whole night, and waken his family.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)
Muslims in Ramadan seek this Honored Night in order that they may be given an increase in reward. Muslims spend the whole night in worship, from praying the taraweeh prayer to reading the Quran, supplicating to God, and praying extra voluntary prayers. During these nights, there is even an extra congregational prayer held in the mosques which lasts for about an hour and a half to two hours up until the time of the predawn meal. Nights are alive with worship, and people for these ten nights expend all efforts in doing so, seeking that they may have spent the Honored Night in the worship of God. The Prophet said:
“Whoever stood in prayer in the Honored Night, believing in God and hoping for His reward, all his previous sins will be forgiven.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)
Ramadan is a month of forgiveness, and people hope that they will people from those who are saved from the Fire:
“God chooses who will be saved from the Fire (in Ramadan), and that is every night.” (Al-Tirmidhi)
For this reason in Ramadan, people fast, pray, and seek the Honored Night in order that they may be forgiven for their shortcomings and enter Paradise.


The Prophet encouraged people to visit the Kaaba and perform the lesser pilgrimage, or Umrah. He said:
“Indeed performing Umrah in Ramadan is equal to performing Hajj with me.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)
Thus, millions of people flock to Mecca to perform this lesser pilgrimage, most coming during the last ten days of the month hoping to earn the reward of Hajj and also witnessing the prayers at the Kaaba, an exhilarating experience for the believer. One meets Muslims from all parts of the world, from all cultures and races, and all have congregated in this sacred sanctuary, fasting throughout the day and worshipping throughout the night, all to earn the pleasure of their Creator, their Lord.


We mentioned various Prophetic sayings which state that the various types of worship in Ramadan are a means for forgiveness. Fasting, the taraweeh prayer, and praying in the Honored Night are all means of forgiveness.
“Whoever fasts the month of Ramadan, believing in God and hoping for His reward, all his previous sins will be forgiven.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)
“Whoever stands the night in prayer in Ramadan believing in God and seeking His reward, all his previous sins will be forgiven.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)
“Whoever stood in prayer in the Honored Night, believing in God and hoping for His reward, all his previous sins will be forgiven.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)
Ramadaan in general is a month of savior from the Fire:
“God chooses who will be saved from the Fire (in Ramadan), and that is every night.” (Al-Tirmidhi)

As mentioned before, people seek to feed others with food for which to break their fast and donate food rations to needy families to suffice them the month of Ramadan. In addition to this, people are more charitable in general during Ramadan, as charity is considered worship for which God will reward them. The companioned the Prophet, Abdulah b. Abbas, said:
“The Prophet was the most generous of people, and he was even more generous in Ramadan.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)
In order to increase in their good deeds, some Muslims choose to offer their Zakaah[1], or obligatory annual charity, in this month as well.


There is a special type of worship in Islam in which one devotes himself to the mosque for a period of time, whether it be for a day or a week, and spends his time in reciting the Quran and mentioning praises of God, again a training for having a person becoming accustomed to living a life revolved around the worship of God. In secluding oneself from one’s daily routine and indulging in the worship of God, he learns to prioritize his life and give less worth to the life of this world. The Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, himself would practice this act of devotion, called I’tikaaf, during the last ten days of Ramadan. He would pitch a tent in the mosque and seclude himself in it, busying himself in various types of individual worship.
Muslims around the world take leave from their work or school and try to fulfill this act of worship, but because of its difficulty, as it entails a type of cutting off from daily life, few people do so. None the less, the majority of the congregational mosques do have a few people who take to this worship.


As one can see, Ramadan is indeed a very special time for Muslims around the world. It is a month of worship in which sinners repent and return to God, and the believer rejuvenate their faith. It is a training period in which one becomes accustomed to leading a life in accordance to the commands of God and seeking His Pleasure. It is a time when one strengthens their relationship with their Creator. It is a time when one trains himself to do extra acts of worship in addition to the obligatory. The month of Ramadan is one which has no match, and the feelings Muslims have in this month are unexplainable. For this reason, the companions of the Prophet would ask God to give them the blessing to experience Ramadan six months before its arrival, and for six months after its departure, they would seek forgiveness from God for their shortcomings in it. We ask God to accept the Muslims fasting and praying in this blessed month, and to give others the guidance to be able to fast it as Muslims.
اللهم إنا نشكرك بدخول رمضان، وافتح لنا أبواب الجنة، وأغلق لنا أبواب النار، واغفر لنا، واجعلنا من عبادك الشكور المغفور

Ya Allah, sesungguhnya kami bersyukur dengan masuknya Ramadhan, dan bukakanlah bagi kami pintu-pintu syurga, dan tutupkanlah bagi kami pintu-pintu neraka, dan ampunkan bagi kami, dan jadikan kami dari kalangan hamba-hamba-Mu yang bersyukur, yang diampuni.

Bie: Rindu :) Miss :) Saya ambil daripada belog orang ini... Syukran :XD

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